Lapszámok 2009
3. szám

Csanaky Judit Emília:
A legegyszerűbb geometriai hőhíd – a derékszögű falsarok


The European current regulations concerning thermal bridges differentiate between four types of positive corners. The simplest of these is the homogene corner without insulation. The linear thermal transmittance of the corner is suggested to be Ψi = 0,10 (W/mK) by both the 1991 and the 2008 legislation, and these regard the linear thermal transmittance independent from the wall structure thermal transmittance.The detailed steady-state network analyses prove that the linear thermal transmittance of the perpendicular corner thermal bridges is linked to the average thermal transmittance of the wall to a great extent and this relation can be expressed mathematically as well.
Key words: thermal bridge

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